Age of Empires - 510SD90177GA
Age of Empires III. - DXR32-X44M7-CYTCX-P6H6P-97CPG
Age of Dinosaur 3D - 2637515984
Age of Mythology - 00000-00000-00000-00000-00000
Age of Mythology:The Titans - CVF7C-QB3KY-GQW23-4DPF6-JDTVG
Airports 2000 Vol2 - A2S0037865899
Airports 2000 Vol3 - A2V3-E1700119-FE303EE8
Aliens vs. Predator - LUR5-TAC8-LYJ6-WAAJ7-3777
Aliens vs. Predator REC7-DAB8-XEN7-WEN3-2846
Alone in the Dark 1 - 11 0831 3461
Alone in the Dark 4: A New Nightmare - 4008-B491-1DC3-0F6C
Aquanox - 0901-3066676-3327010-922
Battlefield 1942 - 5000-0000000-0000000-1318
Battlefield 1942: The Road to Rome - 9971-0190215-7122230-1410
Battlefield 2 - 4L66-YDBY-TUYK-3QEJ-TEE7
Battlefield Vietcong - V2W6-54VJ-9R11-XJPU-79CM
Battle Mages - 3BQUX-Z6DR5-YFXRU-C3N5S-6VGP5
Black & White - 0901-3324366-4702210-2081
Black & White 2 - 0YYG-NSRE-FIGH-TING-4FUN
Black & White: Creatures Island - 4963-7882913-5984076-1609
Blade Runner - KD921A10007637
C&C 4 Yuri's Rache - 042934-592829-117683-6047
C&C 4 Alarstufe Rot 2 - 021254-848674-334871-5105
Call of Dutty - GHHP-4X8S-8P24-SSG4-F774
Call of Duty:United Offensive - 74B3-JN4N-4WT4-WRHN-64BF
Comandos 3 - 2738029485702938432498902
Chaser - 04WF-N7CS5-27XP7-0VHSS-VD7XH
C&C:Red Alert 2 - 020736-428526-011875-6507
C&C:Red Alert 2:Yury's Revengen - 043930-288237-966022-4511
C&C:Renegade - 056606-674119-124870-9258
C&C:Tiberian Sun - 000722-000722-000722-7575
Commanche 4 - 3S2D-FLT1-CLS2-RULE-7865
C&C:Red Alert 2 - 020736-428526-011875-6507
C&C:Red Alert 2:Yury's Revengen - 043930-288237-966022-4511
C&C:Renegade -056606-674119-124870-9258
C&C:Tiberian Sun - 000722-000722-000722-7575
Commanche 4 - 3S2D-FLT1-CLS2-RULE-7865
Cricket 2002 -4792-1088041-926936-4601
Cross Racing Championship 2005 - M3CZ-P5186-XNEYL-CL0T7-513NT
Cultures 2 - NQSD-090Z-B4QN-02KZ-VO57
DOOM 3 Resurrection of Evil - PSBC-TASC-33WB-PH7L-C0
Diablo 2 - 4Z7E-8NJM-ECM9-7GJW
Delta Force:Black Hawk Down - QZP3-EPZW-SP5N-2XEX-H7JG
Delta Force:Black Hawk Down-Team Sabre - AV4E-YVQE-NACM-DD3M-KBW3BW3
Delta Force 2 - 288T-9AJ2-CVXN-BYSS-NNZW
Delta Force 3:Land Warrior -N5E3-YXH2-G983-9WYB-B3ZS
Delta Force:Task Force Dagger - 72YL-R4SB-GKG6-3WKS-HQ27
Diablo 2:Lord of Destruction - 6PNP-D7PG-HZ8M-PZNP
Devastation - 5B36F-976AA-6A471-58B8D-92B7B
Doom 3 - PVXB-L6U7-JPUZ-V3ND-B4
Doom 3:Resurection of Evil - PSBC-TASC-33WB-PH7L-C0
Dune Emperor:Battle for Dune - 038785-895894-747474-9011
Dune 3 - 036642-256734-246754-5204
Empire of dune - 031528-834681-023996-9003
Empire Earth - ran6-mug2-syj2-gyl7-3385
Empire Earth The art of conquest - tuf2-xac4-cum3-zen2-2884
Empire Earth 2 - TAR7-GEB6-GAL9-BUL6-5343
Earth 2150: Lost Souls - 7XJC-UD2E-E83L-Z5T5
Emperor:Battle for dune - 036642-256734-246754-5204204
Emperor:Rise Middle Kingdom - BAC9-RAL8-SAS2-SAX2-9999
Empire Earth:Art of Conquest - GER2-MAN2-RAP2-PER5-2252
Fifa 2001 worl cup - 4521-0294200-3549899-3446
Fifa 2002 world cup - 2087-9195279-9016764-0022
Fifa 2003 world cup - RYVU-8UDY-ZZ5W-RVWD
Fifa 2004 world cup - JF8Y-Z9Y2-8S46-A44N-NDER
Fifa 2005 world cup - NYHZ-38PW-8LDN-R7L7-7RLD
Fifa 2006 world cup - PV3T-6YXM-T2LZ-MT2N-3RLD
F1 2001 - 4500-8231935-2120930-1077
F1 2002 - 7931-9865028-6024865-1156
F1 Championship Season - 20001500-8510031-6424109-3971
F1 Challenge - 3003-2986583-3827742-2403
Freedom Fighters - PQGY-4FAQ-TMQ5-Q4X8-KXCS
Frontline Attack:War over Europe - FUBP-EYNZ-KFXC-SKM2
GTA San Andreas - kme5-59m5-4iq4-dfa9
Gunman Chronicles - 2609-57245-0368
Galactic Civilizations - DN-627806-GC1-AEDAF6040A
Global Operations - 5000-00000000-0000000-5021
Generals Zero Hours - Y83K-CT4F-VL2X-4X4M-SW8X
Hitman 2 - PGC45WA7T7XNBU6YA6BW
Haegemonia:Legions of Iron - A3B3-84A6-F25B-35E3>
Half-Life - 4336-04196-6119 nebo 3681-91323-4731
Half-Life:Blue Shift - 2884-52653-7164
Half-Life:Counter strike - 4422-93598-8995
Half-Life:Game of the Year Edition - 4336-04196-6119
Half-Life:Initial Encounter - 0176-11134-0245
Half-Life:Opposing Force - BUF5-ZED4-DUD6-GYS8-4662
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - 1612-4431389-3567081-2617
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - 0901-7014788-4117807-0206
Hary Potter and prisoner of Askaban - GQAJ-4LD8-S6HQ-U9NL-5YP3
Harry Potter Quidditch Cup - BH4U-GCNX-WMJ8-ZGKY-4DEV
Heli Heroes - DJP9-MXYL-7AU2-ZXW5
Heroes Of Might And Magic 8 - WFCG545234QB
Homeworld2 - NAS3-DEC2-BYJ5-CUJ6-8385385
Hooligans - 4F9QD5-SF4WD5-A681FA-AD1ASD
International Cricket Captain 2001 - VPC5-3NR5-I58K
Industry Giant 2 - 4P68-KLOW-XUVL-7ED2
Island Xtreme Stunts - 1500-0807060-6130480-2623
James Bond 007 Nightfire - 17409488-24551711525578
King kong - C4JRA-YK9AL-86ABQ-GF5VG-MKF37
Kingdom Under Fire - E1KJ-RL62-COO7-FT96
Kohan:Ahriman's Gift - 1001-DEAD-DEAD-0037
Kohan:Immortal Sovereigns - 5DE5-EA10-EF80-2D06
Medal of honor:Pacific assault - ZGFX-9N55-TXMV-ZAU3-RRLD
Medal of honor:Alied Assault - 5000-0000000-0000000-5068
NBA live 2001 - 2001 0020601 0010978 6694
NBA live 2003 - 1124-8E60-C075-83YS
NBA live 2004 - R9Z9-K93C-2NEC-ROMA-NCER
Need for speed 2 - w9lg-c5td-gmld-aze7
Need for speed 5 - 14077 BUSY CODA CALF BIFF
Need for speed 6 hot pursuit 2 - C2VS2WF2ECV2WGZ
Need for speed Underground - A7AJ-23NQ-GWA6-JNAW-SDEV
Need for Speed:Underground 2 - 7BGQ-PUZ9-TE4T-BXEH-RLD0
Need for Speed:Most Wanted - 9LJS-K228-5N4F-X5OK-FDEV
Need for speed Most Wanted - HG34-P09L-J76E-MNH2-0JZR
NHL 2001 - 1500781832203519682357
NHL 2002 - 1000-2003004-0000000-4904
NHL 2005 - NG7F-DB8J-6E6V-CTQT-SE13
NHL 2006 - 88T3-SCYN-AYBK-MQ78-JL62
NHL 2007 - LTW6-Z3J7-J75Q-EUT4-1911
Nascar 4 - GAC7-FAB2-DYX4-DEF2-4849
Nascar Craftsman Truck Series - DES6-DAB2-ZEL6-CAX2-5799
Nascar Racing 2000 - 14044-BUSY-LISA-SLOP-VIVA
Nascar Racing 2002 - RAF2-RAL2-RAS2-RAX2-6667
Nascar Thunder 2003 - NASC-ARTH-UNDE-RJAM
No One Lives Forever:Contract J.A.C.K. - XYR9-FEB6-CYP5-NUG3-7248
Neverwinter Nights:Shadows of Undrentide - RX4KP-Y6P9Q-6H6PL-GRCK7-FFP7G-PJ64E-DA9J6
Neverwinter Nightsreast - 4PRMD-YGU6N-G6J4C-9DVWQ-XXNEK-WGFPJ-79PFH
Operation Flashpoint - 0L7S-CJWWD-YFNSP-VE7SA-1KGZM
Operation Flashpoint:Gold: Red Hammer - M3CZ-P5186-XNEYL-CLOT7-513NT
Operation Flashpoint:Red Storm - 28H4-4873-3875G4-8472
Pariah - FG2PP-5BQAE-45T5F-NJ983-3UUNA-L2KQC
Painkiller - 8B0B-AE17-CBC5-AA079863H
Precision Pilot - CVQ-14129-NPX
Primitive Wars - 17Z0-0C00-01200
Project I.G.I. 2: Covert strike - 1320-615D-BA73-52EC
Quake 3: Arena - CJRAH7BPGW32LSTD
Quake 3:Team Arena - TSBH-7CCG-DPWP-B2LT-84
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - xa3d-fwp8-ullk-s7j2-etwn-45ul
Rally Championship Xtreme - WHFNK6-VB3HSN-9HGN86-TPSRHF
Rails Across America - 1499-C1EE-1B1F-F546
Rise of Nations - RXVC3-B3347-DVG9X-FTFQF-9M7XT
Rally Trophy - 4A65-7AF9-8487-62D4
Real Air Traffic Controller 2 - 044-0800-23000007152226
Red Ace Squadron - B1292168-EF12-43D3-B64A-3CEC766DF859
Return To Castle Wolfenstein - CLAL-A7WJ-DTSJ-WARP-88
Route 66 Evropa - 247661332BSFZ
S.W.A.T 3 Elite edition - LYF7-FUB6-JEM5-NUD6-5854
S.W.A.T Close Quarters Battle - XEP7-CAB6-GEP3-DEM2-3757
S.W.A.T 4 - LEB6-BAF6-DEG7-TEZ6-5344
Sacrifice - 1234-1234-1234-1234
Sega GT - GTJ08010-322007-01723
Settlers 3 - 5283-1250-7830-4031-8602
Settlers 3:Quest of The Amazons - 9978-3032-0347-4546
Settlers 4 - 1576-5655-2355-6565
Shogun:Total War - 1600-0052410-0052410-6424
Shogun:Total War:Mongol Invasion - 4505-5365525-1636262-0821
Shogun:Total War:Warlord Edition - 0901-2083601-5604228-7502
Sid Meires Sim Golf - 5000-0000000-0000000-5071
Sim Coaster - 2001-0013101-0010978-2823
Sim City 3000 - 2121-0600600-0600600-4731
Simcity 3000: UK edition - 5501-2440521-3168507-4469
Simcity 3000 Unlimited - 1003-3075799-0432754-4668
Sim City 4 - NCM4-RHYX-6QMX-DX4M
SkiStunt Simulator - Name:David Jones
Soccer Mania - 1500-0317236-0403447-0111
Soldier of Fortune - LAB4-RUB8-MAP6-NUR6-5587
Soldier of Fortune 2 Double helix - MTKW-FTMK-EMFE-W3P3-B7
Sony Vegas - J6-EZ7GSP-74WW7R-YPMV4K
StarCraft - 1234-56789-1234 nebo 1998-00000-1997
Star Trek:Conquest - 2E10BCNHII86UP5V
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force - C33R-RX69-FTCYY-NBHP-75
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Expansion Pack - C5-0CLS-0FLT-00RA-0001
Star Trek:Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates - 4008-B491-1DC3-0F6C
Star Trek:Starfleet Command 2: Empires at War - RYS8-LAB4-JEF8-BYM3-4652
Star Trek:Starfleet Command III - 0000-0000-0000-K28K
Strifeshadow - 25A2-34A5-7F45-E9D1
Sub Commander - 0901-1315206-2102812-3248
Submarine Titans - GAYMADBOY-7TEH
Superbike 2001 - 2500-6844942-3074777-7734
SWAT 3:Elite Edition - LYF9-JUB4-BUM3-ZED7-9774
Spellforce - NVHI-1K54-0000-0001
Spell Force the Order of Dawn - 6HGDN-NTFLM-VCS7N-8613K-NN6TL
Soldiers of Anarchy - DUDK-61FG-G7KY-DB64
Space Rangers 2 - ASDA-FGTS-1JK5-HH7T-LKK7